We welcome you to a warm, caring and loving fellowship. We hold a mixture of services to suit all ages.
Services at White Waltham are relaxed and friendly in style with Biblical teaching.
Our main Sunday morning service is now at 10.30am. We very much hope you will be able to join us!
We are a friendly congregation and sing both traditional hymns and more modern songs. Modern language is used in all our services. Tea, coffee, squash and biscuits are served afterwards. Children join us for part of the service before going to separate age-appropriate activities which are provided every week.
A shorter and simpler Morning Prayer service.
Morning Prayer services include hymns and songs, a spoken psalm, prayers (usually led by a member of the congregation), praise, a Bible reading and a sermon.
Holy communion services include hymns, prayers (usually led by a member of the congregation), Bible readings and a sermon. During these services we remember Jesus’ death and resurrection by sharing bread and wine in accordance with his teaching at the last meal that he shared with his disciples. We also share the peace with the other members of our church family. Children and young people join us to share the peace and for communion. Children and young people are admitted to communion prior to confirmation if they are ready and wish to do so, or alternatively they receive a blessing at the communion rail. Anyone who receives communion in their home church is welcome to share communion with us at White Waltham.